Tools and Resources
Access to Tools to Manage Long COVID symptoms
This page offers free tools, resources, and programs proven effective in managing Long COVID symptoms, grounded in both research and experience.

Three Tools
When living with Long COVID, it's crucial to have simple tools for symptom management. These three tools can significantly impact how you feel each day, when used consistentlyā€”and you can do all three in just 5 minutes.

P.E.D.A.L. Approach
The Long COVID and post-viral recovery is different from a traditional process. We share our impactful and evidence-based approach to rebuild tolerance, resilience and ability.

Coming Soon
Our Nervous System, the role it plays in Long COVID and how to address it.Ā

Why, What and How
The interplay between the nervous and immune systems and the role of the fight or flight response for symptom management.

LC isn't like a normal recovery
The complexities of managing Long COVID symptoms point to the need for systemic solutions that support body-brain connections and connections between the different systems - improving foundations and promoting resilience.

Fundamentals for symptom management
In this webinar we cover...

Notes from ThriveNinety
Our weekly newsletter shares timely topics and reflections to support you to feel better. We will also keep you informed about new content, tools or programs from ThriveNinety.

In our Blog we take a deeper dive into a range of content and topics related to Long COVID and post-viral condition symptom management. We upload new posts regularly.

Programs for symptom management
Our programs support people with Long COVID and other post-viral conditions to manage symptoms. We help you understand research findings and share practical tools to ease symptoms, supporting personalized strategies for daily and long-term well-being.